Welcome to Love Elemental – Journey with Me to Self-Love, Unity, and Transcendence

Hey there, beautiful souls! I’m Sue, one of your guides on this beautiful journey. As I welcome you into the heart of Love Elemental, I want to share a little about our mission, our community, and the amazing adventure that lies ahead. Here’s the thing: everything we are and everything we experience is energy. Our thoughts, our feelings, our very essence – it’s all energy, interwoven in the magnificent tapestry of life. Recognizing this truth is where the magic begins. It’s where we start to understand and, more importantly, love ourselves at a much deeper level. Self-love isn’t just about pampering ourselves or practicing positive affirmations – even though I’m all for those too! It’s about embracing our divine energy, our core essence, and realizing the incredible worth that lies within us. It’s about loving ourselves, unconditionally, and allowing that love to guide our thoughts, actions, and relationships.

As a trance channel, I’ve been incredibly blessed to connect with a collective of non-physical teachers known as The United Souls of Heaven and Earth. Their wisdom is profound, their messages uplifting, and their energy transformative. As I channel their teachings, I’m continually amazed by the growth and sense of love they inspire. Love Elemental is not just about me, or you, or any one individual. We are a tribe, a community of kindred spirits learning, growing, and loving together. We celebrate our unity, draw strength from our shared experiences, and create magic through our collective intentions. So, I invite you to embark on this journey with me. Let’s delve into the wisdom of The United Souls, foster self-love, celebrate our unity, and embrace the incredible transformations that are awaiting us. Remember, we are energy, we are love, and we are united. Join me as we explore, learn, and grow together. Keep an eye out for more insights on energy, self-love, The United Souls’ teachings, and the power of our community. Until then, treasure your journey, honor your energy, and never forget – love is indeed elemental.
